Just do it. Nike showcases Barcelona’s Startup Slam winner
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. We all know that saying. But hardly any of us can say that we have had our profiles on billboards all over town, for the new Nike football shirt for FC Barcelona, one of Europe’s top teams. But Peptomyc’s co-founders Laura Soucek and Marie-Eve Beaulieu, the Johnson & Johnson Innovation-sponsored 2017 BIO-Europe Spring® Startup Slam winners, can say precisely that. Peptomyc, which is focused on taking a cancer treatment against an, until now, undruggable target to the clinic, received a stunning acknowledgement of post-event success from a global brand well outside the life sciences sectors.
Laura and Marie-Eve were featured on a T-shirt Nike designed to showcase people working in Barcelona who drive and inspire Spain’s capital city, under the campaign slogan el talent no tiene una sola forma (“talent takes more than one form”). Laura said of her BIO-Europe Spring win that “the Startup Slam is a very selective process and winning it provided us with a great springboard to reach wide media exposure and international recognition.” Spain is fast growing as a major player in Europe’s life sciences league, and recognition of Peptomyc’s co-founders by Nike helps put Barcelona firmly on the biotech map.